Feb 11, 2010

DAY 4: POLITICS-Standing Up For What You Believe In...Most of the Time

The following is an excerpt from an article by CNN reporter, Roland Martin. Keep in mind that this is an opinion column, written with the intent to criticize Sarah Palin. Please read the article with care and consider the main problems that are being addressed. First of all, using words like "retard" are offensive and people in the public eye should realize how language like this is hurtful. The second issue is that of "sticking to your guns" or standing up for what you believe rather than changing your opinion based on the situation.

After reading the article and watching the clip of Rush Limbaugh, chose a side and develop an argument that's related to the issues mentioned above. HAVE FUN!

Excerpt from Roland Martin's article. To read the article in its entirety, click here.

When it was reported that President Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, told a group of liberals that they were "f-----g retards" for threatening to run ads against fellow Democrats who weren't jumping on the health care reform bandwagon, Palin demanded his resignation.

As the mother of a child with Down syndrome, Palin has often used her bully pulpit to demand respect for the mentally challenged. Nothing wrong with that. It is an issue that is close to her heart, and she should be a fierce advocate for them.

Yet when one of her biggest supporters, conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, also castigated liberals by calling them "retards," Palin provided him cover, even trying to explain away his comments.

In an interview with Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace, she said Limbaugh was using satire, while Emanuel was blasting those who disagree with him. But anyone who can read or listen could hear Limbaugh calling folks he disagrees with the same. Palin even went further, agreeing with Limbaugh that liberals are "kooks."

So Emanuel and Limbaugh used the word "retard" to describe folks they disagree with, but only Rahm was wrong? Yep, that's how it is in Palin's world. The advocate for the mentally challenged was quick to pounce on someone she disagrees with politically but defended her patron saint, Rush.

Sarah, when you hold yourself up as a fierce protector of the mentally challenged, politics shouldn't enter into the equation. Either you criticize everyone who uses a word that you consider a slur, or you come across as a crass politician who is afraid to offend your chief booster.

Maybe you ought to listen to your spokeswoman, Meghan Stapleton, who thought you cared about the mentally challenged when she sent this e-mail to HotAir.com about Limbaugh's comment: "Gov. Palin believes crude and demeaning name-calling at the expense of others is disrespectful."

But knowing that wouldn't sit well with Rush, you backed off and gave him cover.

If you were true to your cause, you would have demanded an on-air apology from Limbaugh and scolded him for using the word. Instead, you showed your true colors.

Sarah, I haven't bought into your fake "I'm-a-real-American" persona. You slam the president for using teleprompters, but write crib notes on your hand to remember basic beliefs that should be easy to regurgitate.

You decry the "lamestream" media, but you bask in its glory and have joined its payroll as a Fox News contributor, even having the network build a studio in your home. Talk about media elite.

You give a speech riddled with falsehoods about the president and national security, and then try to shrug them off as the "lamestream" media attacking you.

You don't fool me, even as your legion of fans considers you the second coming of President Reagan. You quit on the people who elected you to become a political celebrity, which your presidential running mate blasted then-Sen. Barack Obama for doing.

You had the opportunity to show everyone that you're willing to take on anyone who crosses the line against those who are mentally challenged, and you failed.

Please, make as much money as you can. Paraphrasing comedian Martin Lawrence, ride this train until the wheels fall off. But please, cut the crap. You're a crass politician with no true conviction. Your actions have shown that.