Apr 5, 2010

Short Story Writing Prompts:

You're riding an elevator when the power goes out. The situation take a turn when the pregnant woman next to you goes into labor (375 word minimum).

You're late for work because you overslept, but your boss hates over-sleepers. He does love entertaining stories, so create the most outlandish excuse as to why you were late (375 word minimum).

One week after attending the funeral of a close friend, you receive a postcard in the mail with the words, "I'm not dead. Meet me tonight at Guido's Pizzeria. Tell no one" (375 word minimum).

Your name is called: You've won the "Album of the Year" Grammy for your album, (fill in the blank). You step up to the podium to accept your award and, halfway through, the orchestra tries to play you off. You've worked too long and hard to allow this to happen, so you don't--to the surprise of everyone. Write this scene. Please limit your response to 375 words.

You're standing outside a restaurant next to a phone booth when, suddenly, it rings. Your gut tells you not to answer it, but with each ring you can't resist. Finally you pick up the phone—and end up having the most amazing night of your life (375 word minimum).

You wake up one day with an unusual super power that seems pretty worthless—until you are caught in a situation that requires that specific "talent" (375 word minimum).

You wake up shackled to a chair and can't remember how you got there. Two voices are talking. You recognize one of them (375 word minimum).

You arrive at an annual Halloween party only to discover that someone else is dressed in the same costume as you. Bad things start happening to you throughout the night and you suspect this person has something to do with it (375 word minimum).

Your plane crashes on a deserted island. You and two other passengers survive. The only salvageable items from the plane are pair of scissors, a stopwatch and an electric keyboard. Use these items creatively to get off the island (375 word minimum).

Write about a heated argument you had with your parents--real or fictitious--(375 word minimum).