Nov 16, 2010


Sometimes the art OF advertising is more impressive than the product that's being advertised. The following slideshow sheds some light on the advertising (aka propaganda) techniques that are used to persuade the consumer to think a particular way about a product. The goal is to make the consumer feel good about buying the product and potential not so good if they do not purchase the product. In many cases, this is harmless and it a great way to sell useful goods; however, there is also a darkside to advertising.

Problems arise when products are advertised in a misleading manner when the seller knows of the product's potential danger. One group of products that are commonly advertised and knowingly mislead consumers are alcohol companies. The article, Booze ads 'misleading' youngsters discusses this issue at length. After reading the article and reviewing the advertising techniqes, make a list of specific examples where alcohol commercials practiced some of the techniques mentioned in the slideshow.