Dec 1, 2010

Although you may not think of comedy as an art form, it is most definitely an art, and a pretty challenging one to truly master. Making something seem funny, especially to a large audience, is much more difficult than it may seem. I want you to think about what makes something funny. There are many possibilies here, but answer the question, "What makes something funny?" Then watch the Charlie Chaplin clip that you'll find below. Yes, this is a very old film, but it is still funny to the modern viewer. Why is this the case?

After watching the clip from the film, Modern Times, explain what makes it funny. Then, write a response that discusses the differences and similarities of a comedy from today's film era and Modern Times. Why are they both funny yet also very different? Consider this question but also just write about what makes both types of films funny. Write a 125-250 word response.