The following project is inspired by MTV's new series, The Buried Life. After watching the first episode, I thought "Wow, this would be a great project to do for the Essay class." The subsequent video explains the idea in more detail. Keep reading to find out how YOU will approach this same idea.
Because the project is deemed a "Semester Project", you will have the majority of the semester to both work on/complete the project.
The first step is to make your own list. The dudes of The Buried Life made a list of 100 things to do before they die. All you need to do is make a list of 10 things that you want to do before you die. Check out The Buried Life list of 100 to get an idea of the wide range of possibilities.
You'll notice that the list consists of some really crazy and seemingly impossible goals. The list also has its share of trivial and silly goals. At the same time, the majority of the list consists of goals that are doable, fun, and totally worthwhile to accomplish. So, keep these ideas in mind when you're writing your own list. Please be as original and creative as you can. At the same time, try to think of things that can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time. For example, I think its great if you want to grow up and be a doctor one day but that's not what I'm looking for. Instead, ask yourself, "What would I do if I knew that my last day on earth was next Thursday?" Then start making a list. I want to know how you would live your life to the fullest if the expiration date was right around the corner? Plan to turn in and discuss your list on Friday, February 5th. Nothing needs to be set in stone, but I want you to have something to start thinking about ASAP.

Once you have your working list of 10 things that you want to do before you die, you'll have the tough task of only choosing one (maybe two) on your list to complete before the end of the semester. After you choose one, you'll have to write an essay that explains in detail why this particular item is important to you and how you plan to "cross it off" your list.
Finally, when the deed is done and this item has been officially crossed off, you'll have to follow it up with one last writing assignment that explains how it went, how it felt, and why you're glad to have accomplished it before you're inevitable departure from this world. Along with the paper, you will also need to provide some sort of hard evidence to the class that proves that you've conquered this particular item from your list.
One suggestion for how to document this event is by filming yourself during the process. For example, the item you choose may take a few weeks. Maybe you claim to have helped the homeless by serving food at a soup kitchen. Take some photos or have a friend film you for a few minutes. Another possible way to prove your accomplishment is by presenting a talent or displaying an artifact from your adventure. Let's say you learned a new instrument: Play us a song. Maybe you collected every Beatles album on vinyl: Bring them to class. You have a great deal of freedom here so do whatever works for you. Take your time and put some thought into the project.
Like anything worth doing in life, it might not be easy, but you'll be glad that you did it.