The Haves and Have-Nots of Sports
In sports, as in so much of national life, wealth is becoming increasingly concentrated. The payrolls for teams in Major League Baseball recently ranged from $180 million at the top to just $31 million at the bottom. The top six conferences in college football made ten times the income as the second six (click here to check out the big spenders in college athletics). A top NASCAR team requires a budget of more than $20 million a year to be competitive. Those without deep pockets need not dream.

People talk about athletes getting payed too much, but what about the teams that simply cannot keep up with this trend of massive spending as a means of winning games and making more money. Is this fair? Should college programs be allowed to spend so much more money than other colleges? How can a team like the Pittsburgh Pirates ever compete with a team like the New York Yankees? Should more caps be placed on sports spending, or should the wealth be spread around to increase the winning opportunities to "poorer" franchises/programs? You decide.
Write a 250-500 word response that states your opinion on this matter. If you believe that the amount of money being spent should be limited or spread out, then devise a potential plan and explain how it would increase competition. If you do not believe there is anything wrong with the amount of money being spent in sports, then be sure to explain why you feel this way. HAVE FUN!
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