Mar 8, 2010


Instead of watching the typical "Today in History" video from the Associated Press' YouTube channel, here is a link to the History Channels' video that outlines the main events from this day in history. You won't have to worry about picking a topic because I want you to consider something else. One of the events from March 10 happened in Tibet in 1959 when China threatened to capture the Dalai Lama. The people of Tibet were so worried about this potential action that 300,000 Tibetans made a human wall around the Dalai Lama's palace to ensure his safety.

So, I want you to think of something or someone that you would be willing to sacrifice yourself for. The people of Tibet were willing to give their lives to protect their religious leader. Is there anything in this world that you'd give your life to protect. If so, who or what is it? Now, this doesn't have to be a person that you'd sacrifice yourself for, so this means that it could be your religion or something else that you believe strongly about. Whatever it is, you must also provide an explanation. Your Journal Entry should be a minimum of 125 words. HAVE FUN!