Mar 8, 2010


Pennsylvania legislators recently passed a law that bans texting while driving. Yes, that's right, it is officially illegal to be texting and driving at the same time. All cell phone while driving a vehicle now requires a hands free device in the state of PA. Some of you may be upset by this law. Others may find this law to be stupid or an invasion of personal liberties. If so, you may want to consider the statistics that are outlined in the following video. The texting while driving report start at the 6:00 mark of the video. Consider what the report is saying and then begin your Journal Entry.

In 125-250 words provide your opinion on the texting while driving. Do you think its a big deal? Remember the statistics in the above video. Then offer your thoughts on what you think about the recent legislation that bans texting while driving. Do you believe this to be a fair law or not. Please explain each opinion. HAVE FUN!