Feb 8, 2011

Day 2: Art and Advertising

PART I: Since the Super Bowl is the most exciting time for new advertisements, I thought we would view one of the more popular ads that was featured this past Sunday. After viewing the Volkswagon Passat commercial, think about what makes this ads so appealing. Why might someone be more inclined to purchase this products after viewing this advertisement? Think about how little this ad has to do with the car itself. Don't feel like you need to think too deep about your answer. Just write down whatever comes to your mind and consider why you find this ad to be appealing to yourself and potentially others. Write a 100-200 word response.

<a href="http://msn.foxsports.com/video?vid=9f4c2bed-868f-4309-8f18-a9fdadf772f0" target="_new" title="">Volkswagen Passat: Young Vader</a>

PART II: Now I'd like you to consider other types of advertisements that persuade audiences to purchase a product that is potentially bad for them (i.e., alcohol, cigarettes, etc.). Think about the way in which these products are promoted. Below you will find two commercials for two different types of alcohol. What is the message being conveyed in each? Why might someone consider this method of advertising to be irresponsible or misleading? Determine what your beliefs are on this form of advertising and write a 200-400 word response.

Have Fun!