Feb 8, 2011

Day 3: Sports

Football is and always will be a collision sport. Because of this, players get hurt. Injuries of every kind are expected to occur in a game that thrives off of big men delivering even bigger hits. It shouldn't be surprising then that this fast paced collision sport is having some problems with head, neck, and brain injuries. We are probably all familiar with the controversy over the "illegal" hits James Harrison's put on some players earlier this season that costs him over $100,000 in fines courtesy of the NFL. Even if you disagree with the reasons for the league fining Harrison, it is likely that the problem of football players getting hurt and getting hurt often is not going away due to some high priced fines. Players of all ages are affected by the hard-hitting nature of this great American Pasttime and fining a rich NFL player might not be the final solution. So, what is one to do? Should people just face facts that football is dangerous and anyone who plays it has to face the consequences? Or,is there another and maybe even a better way to handle this issue?

After watching the Outside the Lines special about this very issue, consider both sides, pick a side, and then write s 250-500 word response that argues for that side.

Have Fun!