Feb 2, 2011

DAY 4: Politics

If I would've asked any of you a month ago, "What comes to mind when you think of Egypt?" it is likely that you would've responded with answers concerning pyramids, mummies, hieroglyphics or other aspects of the ancient civilization that dominated the Arab world thousands of years ago. If I were to ask you the same question about Egypt today, some of you may have much more to say about the modern Arab state and how it is in the midst of a serious uprising.

The current situation in Egypt is a complex one that dates back 30 plus years. To give you an idea of the turmoil that this country has faced, the last president of Egypt, Anwar al-Sadat was assassinated 30 years ago due to his unpopularity; however, his successor has been in power ever since. That means that for twice as long as most of you have been alive, Egypt has had only one president. And just in case you were wondering, they don't like him either.

Because of these unsettling political issues that have plagued Egypt over the last half century, the people are demanding CHANGE. They want it, need it, and believe that they deserve it. Below you will find a series of videos that depict the protests that have been going on over the last week and a half. I want you to observe the civil liberties that are being denied to the Egyptian people.

In addition to the Egyptian government cutting off internet access, they also cut off cell phone reception and transportation services to its people. Consider that riot police brutalized peaceful protesters and vandalized properties (like the mummies in the museum) to make the protesters appear more destructive than they actually were.

These are the times when more fortunate individuals such as ourselves need to reflect on the value and the significance of our rights as American citizens. For example, freedom of speech is important. It is the core right that makes our nation so unique. So think about it...

In 250-500 words, write a persuasive response that argues for the importance of freedom of speech. Use examples from the Egyptian protests to support your argument. In other words, explain how the current situation in Egypt acts as an example for how valuable it is for all people to have the right to free speech.