Feb 26, 2011

Day 3: Sports

The NFL lockout. This may be something that you care very little about. It may also be something that you care about more than anything in the entire world because you really love football. Either way, it is pretty significant that America's most popular sport played on a field, court, or ice (Nascar being the overall most popular), is threatening to have no season this fall if the players and the league cannot come to a contractual agreement. Please read the linked article titled, "NFL Lockout Lunacy: They Keep Talking, But Is It Going Anywhere?" that gives some recent news about the potential lockout for next season. After reading about the issues present on both sides, come to a conclusion about which side you agree with more. Either pick the players or the league and provide evidence for why. Please keep the response between 250-500 words. HAVE FUN!

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