Sep 9, 2010

Daily Journal Entries: Why We Write Them, and How They'll Be Written
The following is an explanation of why a daily journal is so crucial to Writing the Essay. In addition, the following "blog" also features a step by step tutorial on what students should expect on a daily basis and how each student should approach their daily journal entries. Finally, I will explain the process of transcribing the daily journals to the Blogger web-page.

First of all, every student should have the goal of becoming a better writer by the end of the semester. Of course, the level of improvement depends upon the individual effort of each student.

One way that I plan to make every student a better writer is through daily writing prompts. Nearly every class will begin with a writing prompt. Obviously, the more each student writes the better he will become at writing.

Some students and parents may be wondering why I want each journal entry to be rewritten on a personal blog space. There are a variety of reasons and benefits to this process.

1. The first aspect that attracted me to the utilization of an online journal was the fact that nothing can be misplaced once it is saved to the Blogger web-page. This means that both me and the students will be able to access their work at any time and never have to worry about homework eating dogs or the inevitability of absentmindedness.

2. Another aspect that truly benefits everyone is the idea of personal privacy and security. Almost everyone is insecure about their writing skills. Furthermore, a journal can contain many personal emotions and anecdotes that some students might not feel comfortable sharing. Of course sharing is always welcome, but not always required.

By utilizing Blogger's security settings students can make their online journal as public or personal as they would like. For obvious reasons, the only stipulation is that that I can access the blog at anytime. Still, this should provide some necessary peace of mind to many students.

3. Because the students will initially write each entry in class, they will have the opportunity to fine tune or revise their entries as they rewrite them on their blog. Although it is not a requirement to make revisions, the rewriting process will at least provide further practice.


STEP 1: Practice and Procedure
Each class day will feature a writing prompt on a particular subject. Regardless of the prompt's subject matter, the writing process will be the same.

The first FIVE to TEN minutes of class will be spent writing about the day's prompt.

Each student is expected to be quiet and respectful to all those around him during this time. In other words, Once a student completes the writing prompt, he must remain quiet until the instructor announces that everyone has finished writing.

STEP 2: Madness Behind the Method
Daily writing prompts are the backbone of the course. The ideas and concepts that arise from these prompts act as the foundation for daily discussion. Consequently, students will develop specific arguments and view points. Subsequent writing assignments throughout the semester will then provide the opportunity for students to elaborate on these very ideas.

Moreover, the daily writing prompts are an opportunity to express personal ideals, interpretations, and interests on a variety of topics. These pieces of writing are the least formal but also the most crucial.

The daily journal entries will never be graded for grammatical and/or spelling errors. However, if a student chooses to not take these seriously, the course will be much more difficult and much less fun.

STEP 3: Quantity of Content
Since most students are concerned with how much writing is required of them, here is a consistent word count to keep in mind throughout the semester: 250-500 words/entry.

To break this down more specifically, each student must write a TWO to THREE paragraph response for each daily writing prompt. This response will total a minimum of approximately 250 words and a maximum of approximately 500 words.

STEP 4: Why We Are Here!
Something that I cannot emphasize enough is the idea of THOUGHTFULNESS! I am speaking about the importance for each student to put as much time and thought into each and every response. The idea is for you to express yourself through writing and to voice your thoughts and opinions to the world in a clear and effective manner. Above all, I want this concept to permeate through each piece of student writing.

STEP 5: The Final Process
On Day Five of each cycle, Writing the Essay does not meet. At the conclusion of each Day Five I will assess the four journal entries that were written over the last few classes. Each entry will be graded based on completion and attentiveness. Basically, I will check to make sure that you have rewritten each entry, placed them on your blog, and verify a sincere effort.

My suggestion would be to rewrite each entry on the same day that you write it in class. Then you won't have to rewrite four entries in one day and use Day Five to relax.

I hope this information is helpful.

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