Sep 26, 2010


When one thinks of book burning, the U.S. Government is probably not a group that you would associate with such an action. Until recently, this would've been fairly common. Now, the U.S. Government has made themselves synonymous with book burning after they bought every copy of a book ("Operation Dark Heart") because it included material that was previously authorized but is now considered dangerous if made public.

Fox News just interviewed the author and allowed him to tell his side of the story. The following interview reveals how passionate the government was about taking this book off the shelves. Think about the danger of such an action. Why might it be wrong to destroy a book or a piece of art or an album because it contains quesitonable material.

After watching this video from Fox News, explain and defend your position on whether you believe it is okay (from an ethical or constitutional standpoint) to burn copies of a book that may include documents that are classified. 250-500 word minimum.