Sep 26, 2010


Performance enhancing drugs have plagued the image of Major League Baseball for the last decade. Outside the Lines recently conducted an interview with a player who was previously caught using performance enhancing drugs while playing for a MLB team. He has been given a new start and is trying to put his previous mistakes in the past and move on with his career. The interview dicusses his difficulty with this transition and how the stigma of the steriod era continues to stay with him.

After watching the video and observing his struggles, explain how you believe a player who is caught using performance enhancing drugs should be treated. Should he be allowed in the Hall of Fame? Should he be allowed to continue playing professional baseball? Should he be paid less? Or should people just let this issue go and turn a blind eye to such indiscretions? Figure out your postion and, as always, prove why it is valid and a worthwhile arguement. 250-500 word minimum.